“C’est Dans la Poche”: This French Phrase Will Instantly Boost Your Confidence!

The French phrase "C'est dans la poche" translates to "It's in the bag", "it's a sure thing", or "we've go this". It’s a casual expression used when you believe something is almost certain to happen or that success is practically guaranteed.

The phrase reflects a relaxed, confident attitude. It says that whatever you're talking about is already under control or almost done.

It comes from the idea that if you’ve put something in your pocket, you’ve already secured it. So "C’est dans la poche" means that a situation is as good as finished, with no more effort needed.

It’s a way to show confidence e.g. for winning a game, completing a task, or achieving something you’ve worked for.

For example, imagine someone is nervous about an exam they’ve been studying for all week. You know they’re well-prepared, so you say:

"Ne t'inquiète pas, c'est dans la poche."

Don’t worry, you've got this / it's in the bag.

Or let's say you’re watching a soccer game with friends. Your team is winning 3-0 with just a few minutes left on the clock. You turn to your friends and say:

"Avec ce score, c'est dans la poche!"

With this score, it's a done thing!

So you use the phrase in any situation where the outcome seems obvious and victory or success is just around the corner. Here are more examples:

- "Je vais inviter Julie à notre fête ce week-end. J'espère qu'elle dira oui."
- "Elle adore faire la fête, c'est dans la poche."

I’m going to invite Julie to our party this weekend. I hope she says yes.
She loves parties, it’s in the bag.

- "Je vais demander à maman de me prêter sa voiture demain."
- "Si tu lui dis que c'est pour une bonne raison, c'est dans la poche."

- I’m going to ask mom to lend me her car tomorrow.
- If you tell her it’s for a good reason, it’s in the bag.

Alternative phrases

"Ça va le faire:" This translates literally to "It’s going to do it." It means "It’s going to work out" or "It’ll be fine."

"L'affaire est dans le sac:" literally "The deal is in the bag." It's similar to "C'est dans la poche," meaning the situation is secured.