Sur Le Chemin De l’Ecole (on the way to school)

Synopsis: Sarah and Alex run into each other in the street. Sarah is on her way to school. Alex however, is not going to school, he's off to meet his friends at the park. Sarah is quite interested and would like to go with him ...
FR : Sarah et Alex se rencontrent dans la rue. Sarah est en chemin pour aller à l'école. Mais ce n'est pas le cas de Alex, qui va au parc rejoindre ses amis. Sarah est très intéressée, et voudrait aller avec lui...
French phrases practiced in this lesson
- Salut !
- Ça va ?
- Ça va, super !
- Comment va ?
- Très bien, merci !
- Tu vas à / au ... ?
- J'y vais
- Tu veux bien ?
- Je peux y aller
- OK alors !
- Et toi ?
- Sûrement pas !
- Ah bon ?
- Je vais retrouver ...
- Mes potes
- C'est super !
- Je peux venir ?
- Oh ben tu sais ...
- On y va !
- C'est parti !
I’m glad you find the lessons useful, best of luck for you teaching!
I get the pdf and the comments for the first video, but don’t see them for this video, am I missing something? I am logged in, thanks
It is amazing. Thanks so much for your website. I am learning french to a portuguese student in France. I have been seven years in San Francisco as a french teacher in a french american school. It is very good for me to teach again to foreign students back in my country. Thanks a lot for your help !
Hi, thanks for the good vibes. Sorry, i can’t seem to access your website, the url is incomplete
Hi there,I log on to your lesson “Sur le chemin de l’école (on the way to school) – Bla Bla Français” . Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work!