Mauvaises Notes et Bonnes Excuses: Discussion entre Parents et Enfant

Paul a de mauvaises notes et tente de justifier ses résultats en comparant ses parents à ceux de son ami David.

Watch this short clip in FrenchThe clip should start at 3:49 (in case it doesn't). I highly recommend you first watch it at 0.75x speed.

- 5 en Maths, 6 en Histoire, 3 en Français! Tu veux redoubler ou quoi?
- C'est pas possible hein Paul, tu travailles pas assez! Comment il fait ton pote David pour avoir 15 de moyenne, lui, d'après toi?
- Non mais lui, c'est pas pareil...
- Mais comment ça, c'est pas pareil?
- Qu'est-ce-qui est pas pareil? Explique?
- Ben lui c'est pas pareil, il a des parents intelligents...

English version

  • 5 in Math, 6 in History, 3 in French! You want to repeat the year or what?
  • That's not possible, Paul, you don't work enough!
    How do you think your friend David manages to have an average of 15?
  • Well, it's not the same for him...
  • But what do you mean, it's not the same?
  • What's not the same? Explain?
  • Well, for him, it's not the same, he has smart parents...

5 en Maths

The phrase "5 en Maths" means "a score of 5 in Math." In the French grading system, grades are typically given on a scale of 0 to 20, with 20 being the highest score and 0 being the lowest. So, a "5 en Maths" indicates a poor performance.

"Il a eu 5 en Maths." (He got a 5 in Math)

"Un 6 en Histoire, ce n'est pas glorieux!" (A 6 in History, that's not impressive!)

Ou quoi?

This is equivalent to saying "or what!" You add it at the end of a sentence to emphasize the statement or question, and often to express impatience, challenge, or insistence:

"Tu veux redoubler ou quoi !" (you want to repeat the year or what!)

"Tu es idiot ou quoi!" (are you stupid or what!)

"Tu viens ou quoi !" (Are you coming or what!)

"Tu as fini ou quoi !" (Are you done or what!)

C'est pas possible!

"C'est pas possible" expresses disbelief or frustration. It might translate to "that can't be". Here, it shows the father's frustration and disbelief about Paul's poor performance and lack of effort.


"Mon vol est annulé? C'est pas possible!"

My flight is canceled? That's not possible!

"Tu as encore oublié ton portefeuille! c'est pas possible!"

You forgot your wallet again! It's not possible!

D'après toi

This translates to "according to you" or "in your opinion." You use it to ask someone for their perspective or judgment on something.

"Pourquoi est-ce qu'il est si fâché, d'après toi?"

Why do you think he is so angry?

An alternative is "A ton avis":

"Pourquoi tu as encore raté ton examen, à ton avis?"

Why did you fail your test again, according to you?

C'est pas pareil

This means "it's not the same" or "it's different."

"Mon travail aussi est très stressant."
"C'est pas pareil, toi tu travailles de chez toi."

My job is also very stressful.
It's not the same, you work from home.

"Je cours tous les matins. Tu devrais faire comme moi."
"Non mais moi c'est pas pareil, j'ai des problèmes de genoux."

I run every morning. You should do like me.
No, but for me it's different, I have knee problems.

Mais comment ça?

"Comment ça?" means "How so?" or "What do you mean?" You use it to ask for clarification or more details about something. It can express disagreement or disapproval:

"Comment ça c'est pas pareil?"

What do you mean, it's different?

"Je ne vais pas faire la vaisselle aujourd'hui."
"Comment ça? Je l'ai faite hier!"

I'm not doing the dishes today, it's your turn.
What do you mean? I did the dishes yesterday!

In other situations, "comment ça" can be a simple request for clarification:

"A mon avis, ce type n'est pas très net."
"Ah oui, comment ça?"

In my opinion, that guy isn't very trustworthy.
Oh really, how so?