Une Voisine Envahissante: “je ne peux rien faire pour toi”, “je suis null…”!

In this scene, the exhuberant girl next door has a plumbing problem and knocks on her neighbor's door to use his shower. He's not alone and not so happy to see her showing up half-naked at his door. He decides to call a plumber.

Watch this short clip in FrenchThe clip starts at 51:03 (in case it doesn't automatically start there). I highly recommend you first watch it at 0.75x speed.

- Léger problèmes de plomberie! Plus d'eau chaude!
- Je ne peux rien faire pour toi... Je suis nul en robinets!
- Ben, tu peux peut-être me prêter ta douche non?
- Euh oui ben c'est au fond du couloir à droite...
- Ah!
- Qu'est-ce-qu'on va faire?
- Il faut appeler le plombier immédiatement, sinon on va l'avoir dans les pattes tous les matins!
- Ouais
- Oui c'est pour un chauffe-eau en panne, 25 rue des Acacias... Oui...
Euh vous êtes déjà nu... euh... venu? Ecoutez, c'est urgent, voilà.
Comme ça se prononce, "Rivière". R.I.V.I.E.R.E. Voilà. Merci. A toute à l'heure.

English version

  • Minor plumbing issues! No more hot water!
  • I can't do anything for you... I'm terrible with faucets!
  • Well, maybe you can lend me your shower, right?
  • Uh yes well it's at the end of the hallway to the right...
  • Ah!
  • What are we going to do?
  • We need to call the plumber immediately, otherwise we'll have her on our hands every morning!
  • Yeah.
  • Yes, I'm calling for a broken water heater, 25 Acacias Street... Yes... Uh, have you been naked before... sorry... here before? Listen, it's urgent. Right. As it's pronounced, "Rivière". R.I.V.I.E.R.E. Right. Thank you. See you shortly.

Je ne peux rien faire pour toi

This means "I can't do anything for you."

"Désolé, si tu as perdu les clés, je ne peux rien faire pour toi."

Sorry, I can't do anything for you if you've lost the keys.

"Mon ordi ne s'allume plus!"
"Ah je ne peux rien faire pour toi, je ne connais rien en informatique."

My PC won't start any more!
I can't do anything for you, I know nothing about computers.

Je suis nul en...

This means "I'm terrible at..."

"Tu peux m'aider pour mon devoir"
"Non, je suis nul en maths!"

Can you help me with my homework?
No, I suck at maths!

C'est au fond du couloir

"It's at the end of the hallway."

"Les toilettes sont au fond du couloir à gauche."

The bathroom is at the end of the hallway on the left.

On va l'avoir dans les pattes

This phrase means "We're going to have him/her/it in our way."

"Le patron sera là demain."
"Oh non, on va l'avoir toute la journée dans les pattes."

The boss will be here tomorrow.
Oh no, we're going to have him in our way all day.

C'est pour ...

When calling or visiting a store or business, this is often used to explain the purpose of your call or visit.

"Bonjour, c'est pour un devis"

Hi, I'm here (or calling) for a quote

"Oui c'est pour un problème de chaudière"

I'm here (calling) for a boiler issue"

When you call (or get there), the employee might say:

"Oui c'est pour quoi?"

Yes, what do you need? (as in, how may I help you)

You may also hear this phrase e.g. if you ring someone's bell and the person doesn't know you.

Comme ça se prononce

You say "comme ça se prononce" when giving a name to someone, and you don't want to go through the trouble of spelling it because the spelling is obvious based on the sound.

Also, when a proper name is a common word, e.g. "Rivière" or "Dujardin", you can also add "comme ça se prononce", meaning it's spelled like one would think (like the word rivière or jardin).

E.g. when booking or signing up for something:

"Votre nom, s'il vous plait?"
"Pierre Marrant, comme ça se prononce."

Can you give me your name, please?
Pierre Marrant, just as it is pronounced.

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