prendre un taxi en français

14 Life-saving Phrases for Taking a Taxi or Car Service in France

Dealing with taxis and car services in France can be tricky if your French is still work in progress! Here are 14 essential phrases that will help make your ride a breeze.

From booking a car, asking for a route, or dealing with a racy or scammy driver, these expressions will help you get around like a local. Buckle up!

1. Je voudrais réserver un taxi, s'il vous plaît

I would like to book a taxi, please.

This is what you say when calling a Taxi service like Taxi Verts. The agent will likely ask you for your name, address, destination, and pick-up time:

"Votre nom s'il vous plait?"

"Votre adresse?"

"Où allez-vous?"

"A quelle heure souhaitez-vous que le taxi arrive?" (what time would you like the taxi to arrive at the pick-up place?)

2. Il sera là dans combien de temps?

How long until it gets here?

"Il sera là" = "it will be here"

"Combien de temps" means "how much time".

Possible answer: "Le taxi sera chez vous dans environ 15 minutes, madame"

The cab will be at your place in about 15 min, ma'am.

3. Je vais à [destination]

I'm going to (destination)

You might also say:

"je me rends à" (I'm heading to).

This is typically for answer the question "Où allez-vous, monsieur/madame?"

4. Vous pouvez démarrer le compteur, s'il vous plaît?

Can you start the meter, please?

Another way to say it is:

"Pouvez-vous mettre le compteur en marche?"

Normally you shouldn't have to ask, the taxi driver should automatically start it. Some drivers don't start it on purpose if they see you're a foreigner, so they can charge you whatever they want on arrival. If so, make sure you ask them to start it, or ask to get off:

"Arrêtez-vous, je descends." (Stop, I'm getting off)

5. Pouvez-vous prendre l'itinéraire le plus rapide?

Can you take the fastest route?

Most drivers will check their GPS and choose the best route without you needing to ask. If you're in a rush however, saying this is a polite way to let them know.

You may ask the drive about the traffic today:

"Le traffic est fluide aujourd'hui?" (Is the traffic smooth today?)

"C'est encombré aujourd'hui?" (is it congested today?)

"Il y a des bouchons aujour'hui?" (Are there any traffic jams on this route?)

6. Vous pouvez aller un peu plus vite?

Can you drive a bit faster please?

Some drivers are particularly slow, so if you're running late, this phrase will come in handy. you can add:

"Je suis un peu pressé(e)" (I'm in a bit of a hurry)

Or "je suis très en retard!" (I'm very late)

7. Vous pouvez ralentir un peu, s'il vous plait?

Could you please drive a bit slower?

Once in a while you may come across someone who drives like a maniac (happens quite a bit in Paris). Use this phrase if you feel uncomfortable. You might also say:

"S'il vous plait, vous allez un peu vite..." (please, you're going a little fast)

8. Arrêtez-moi ici, s'il vous plaît.

Stop me here, please.

You might also say:

"Vous pouvez vous arrêter là, merci."

9. Merci beaucoup, voici pour vous.

Thanks a lot, here's for you (for the fare)

You typically say this when handing the taxi driver cash at the end of the fare. Taxi drivers in France generally take credit cards as well, although some will tell you the terminal isn't working (so they get cash).

You can ask them at the start if they accept cards:

"Je peux payer par carte?" (may I pay by card?)

10. Pouvez-vous m'aider pour les bagages?

Can you help me with my lugagge?

This is usually for asking the driver to open the trunk and help you put the bags inside. If you want to keep a bag with you inside the car, you can say:

"Je garde ce sac avec moi." (I'm keeping this bag with me)

11. Vous pourriez baisser un peu la clim / la musique?

Can you please turn down the air conditioning/music a little?

Most drivers will reply with "Bien sûr" or "Pas de problème"

You can also ask if you may open the window:

"Ça ne vous dérange pas si j'ouvre un peu la fenêtre?" (do you mind if I open the window a little?)

12. Quel est le code du wifi s'il vous plaît?

What the code for the wi-fi please?

If the code is displayed inside the car, you may ask:

"Il marche, le Wi-fi?" (does the wi-fi work?)

"C'est bien le code du Wi-fi?" (is this the code for the wi-fi?)

13. Vous pouvez m'attendre ici quelques minutes?

Could you wait here a few minutes?

You might add: "Je n'en ai pas pour longtemps" (I won't take long)

14. Vous pouvez me déposer à l'aéroport?

Can you drop me off at the airport?

Obviously, this applies if you stop a taxi on the street, not if you book one over the phone. Another way to ask is:

"Vous allez à l'aéroport?" (do you go to the airport?)

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